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Getting Started with NetSuite SuiteCommerce Advanced (SCA) in 2020


SuiteCommerce is a B2B/B2c eCommerce platform integrated within NetSuite. The platform is available as a module within NetSuite and includes hosting, CDN, storage, backup and number of pre-configured applications including customer MyAccount, Checkout, Cart, Login.  SuiteCommerce powers thousands of online businesses around the globe, helping them continuously grow and expand to new heights.

Develop Unique Customer Experience 

  • Design the Experience You Want for Your Brand : Provide engaging customer acquisition and retention experiences by utilising a single source of item, inventory, customer and order data to feed your customer-facing systems.
  • Transform the Store. Deliver a continuous shopping experience by unifying the online and in-store buying journey. Empower sales associates with tools and information to assist and engage shoppers.
  • Any Device. Responsive web design allows you to build device-optimised, online shopping experiences that display elegantly across smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. You’ll have only one platform instead of maintaining multiple fragmented systems and user experiences.

Provide Customer Self Service for both Retail and Wholesale Clients

Provide consistent and personalised cross-channel experiences, targeted marketing and superior customer service with a single view of all customer interactions and transactions across all touch points and channels.

  • Truly Know Your Customers. Get a single, cross-channel view of every customer to provide consistent and personalised service, build loyalty, deepen relationships and grow lifetime value.
  • Optimise Customer Engagement. With a central communication hub, deliver timely, relevant, data-driven digital marketing that fuels engagement throughout the customer lifecycle.
  • Customer Lifetime Value. Gain insight into the true profitability of your customers by capturing all interactions and transactions in a single system. Use this data to make more educated decisions on marketing spend and targeting segments that are most profitable

Easy Access to Transactions including Orders and Purchase history 

Meet customer expectations to buy, fulfil and return goods anywhere while maximising profitability. It’s easy when you have centralised order management and a single view of inventory across all channels and the supply chain.

  • Fulfil Orders Quickly and Effectively. Manage orders from multiple channels—POS, web, call centre, mobile, kiosk—all in one place. Customers, suppliers and partners always know exactly what’s happening with every order. You’ll process orders faster, satisfy more customers and lower operational costs.
  • Optimise Inventory. Real-time, enterprise-wide inventory visibility, including stores, is key to enabling a buy anywhere, fulfil anywhere experience. You’ll reduce excess inventory, capture lost sales and promote the most profitable products to your customers.
  • Better Manage Suppliers and Stock Levels. Connect global supply and distribution chains to ensure real-time information sharing, better coordination, increased responsiveness and shortened time to market.

Grow and Expand with SuiteCommerce Advanced

Be ready to respond to opportunities by quickly deploying sites for multiple business models, channels, brands, countries, currencies and languages, all on the same platform.

  • Expand Globally. Run your business around the world from a single platform that supports multiple countries, languages, tax rates and currencies. Easily consolidate multi-subsidiary reporting.
  • Multiple Brands, Multiple Sites. Create and manage multiple websites for individual brands, geographies and business model—all from a single site instance.
  • Support Any Selling Model. Combine business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) selling models on a single platform with a dramatically lower investment and no need to maintain separate systems.

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