AVT SuiteApp Innovations
AVT Project Time Tracking SuiteApp for NetSuite
AVT SuiteApps
AVT delivers end-to-end Systems Integration
AVT Project Time Tracking for NetSuite is an easy to use NetSuite SuiteApp for managing bookings and timesheets and gathering information on projects & jobs using a mobile & tablet responsive application.
Solution Benefits
Enhance your Project Management process
1. Improve productivity of project resources
2. Capture accurate time spent on projects
3. Display task assignments to users in an easy to use mobile interface
4. Allow users to interact with project bookings
5. Provide access to form(s),documents on bookings data
6. Employee Self service
7. Allow resources to manage availability in a easy to use interface on Mobile and Tablets
8. Reduce time to finalize project costing and billing

Functionality and Automations Included in Scope:
The Project Time Tracking App offers benefits such as clock in/clock out features, manual date/time entry, file attachment, project and CRM task tracking, work order compatibility, employee self-service features, calendar creation and sharing, external task assignment, and time slot management for efficient scheduling.
Track Time with
● Clock In / Clock Out feature
● Manually Entering Date/Time
Unavailable Time Slots
● Select Date, Time and Slot times
● Create Task on those Time Slots to make them unavailable
Track your time and attach files against your
● Projects
● Project Tasks
● CRM Tasks
● Also compatible to track time against Work Orders
Create and Share External Calendars
● Select Date, Time and Slot times
● Generate and Share link to the External Calendar
● Interactive External Calendar that creates and assigns Task to the employee
Employee Self Service features to update
● Unavailable Dates
● Weekday Resource Availability
● Skills
● Regions
● Upload Documents
AVT has over 12 years of success with over 500+ business & process improvements
Focused on Manufacturing, Wholesale and Distribution verticals, we focus on effective and simplified processes through NetSuite cloud ERP, helping you to make faster and better decisions
Solution Screenshot
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