NetSuite Release 2020.1 AVT Release Preview
NetSuite Release 2020.1
AVT Release Preview
We are pleased to advise that NetSuite will be releasing version 2020.1 in mid-April 2020. The good news is you can access your New Release environment a few weeks prior to this date.
Release Preview Account Availability
From your Home Dashboard, locate the New Release portlet. Under the Your New Release Dates, you can see the date your release preview account will become available to you.
Release Preview Account Access
Once your Release Preview account is available, from your Production account Role selection drop down on the right-hand side, you can select your Release Preview environment.
The Release Preview provides quick access to a number of resources to learn about what’s to come in the upcoming release, including:
- New Release Overview – Quick tour video of feature highlights coming in the new release.
- Sneak Peeks – Short videos providing a preview of features to expect in the new release.
- Release Notes – Document describing all the new features and changes in the new release.
- Login for New Release Preview account.
Note: NetSuite requires two-factor authentication (2FA) for all Administrator when logging to any NetSuite account. This requirement includes both UI and non-UI (API, Suite Talk, RESTlets) accesses to the Release Preview account.
Release Preview Execution Plan
Your New Release Preview Account is a snapshot of what your NetSuite Production account will look like once it’s been upgraded to the new version of NetSuite. This account contains all of the data, configuration, workflows and customisations, as well as any bundles and SuiteApps that are installed in your Production environment. Thus, gives you the ability to preview how your account will perform in the new version and run through advanced testing of the new features using your own data and business processes.
Our recommendation is to create an Execution Plan to test your most critical processes, including:
- Business transactional processes.
- Third-party application integrations.
- Month-end processes.
- Custom saved searches and reports.
- Custom saved searches and reports.
Business Processes Improvement – Utilising New Features
Each New Release of NetSuite gives you an opportunity to identify new features that can assist improve your business.
Hence, our recommendation is to:
- Understand the release upgrade schedule.
- Take advantage of the learning resources to help you prepare for the upgrade.
- Discuss the Release Preview environment and its benefits.
- Encourage you to communicate and promote the upcoming release with everyone in your organisation and to keep everyone informed about the new release.
This often helps identify opportunities to leverage new functionalities and address existing problems and issues.
If you have any questions about the upcoming New Release or would like help preparing your organisation for the transition, please contact us at support@abvt.com.au.
Please also consider book-marking the AVT Support Services – your go-to resource to submit support tickets and access knowledge base articles. The AVT Support Services also contains a direct link to NetSuite’s system status page.
Kind regards,
AVT Business Solutions
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