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NetSuite Bulk Invoice / Statement – Emailing Tool

Leveraging Integrated Systems: The Key to Streamlined Operations and Enhanced Reporting

Explore the AVT Bulk Invoicing Emailing Tool, a powerful solution that simplifies the process of generating and sending invoices in bulk. Discover how this innovative tool streamlines invoicing workflows, improves efficiency, and enhances customer communication, enabling businesses to save time, reduce errors, and ultimately optimize their invoicing operations.


AVT Bulk Invoice/Statement – Emailing tool

Sending or resending Invoice and Statement to customers can be a very time-consuming activity for Finance/Account Receivable departments. We can imagine that this can be worst when you need to send copies of open or due invoices. Even worst when you need to send them for multiple contacts in the Customer.
It is possible with Standard NetSuite with some Saved Searches to find the Invoices and Contacts. Most probably you will be exporting to a spreadsheet to later go Customer by Customer, Invoice per Invoice and sending them by email in NetSuite. All this is possible but for sure not efficient and best use of the finance resources.

The AVT has developed “AVT Bulk Invoice/Statement – Emailing Tool” to help companies in their Finance/Account Receivable department to automate the time-consuming activity in sending Invoices to Customers when is needed or requested. This tool, in the Bulk Invoice Screen allows the user to search the invoices that he wants to send using some filters related to customers and invoices and mark in one screen the ones that should be sent. Together with invoices you can send the Statement by just checking it in the options.

If the user only wants to send the Statement, he can use the Bulk Customer Screen to search the customers  and then select the ones he wants to send the Statements.

The emails are sent in the background in a scheduled script to specific marked contacts from the Customer.

Please feel free to contact us if you want to hear or see more about this solution

The solution includes:

  • Configuration per Subsidiary (Email Templates, Senders)
  • Filter option to select Invoices and Customers to send Consolidation options per Customer to send together in one email the Invoices selected.
  • Log for each Customer Statement and/or Customer Invoice requested to be sent.
  • Summary Notifications email with status per Customer/Invoice.

AVT Bulk Invoicing Screenshots

AVT Bulk Invoicing App Email - Configuration

AVT Bulk Invoicing App Email – Configuration

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Invoicing Screen

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Invoicing Screen

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Invoicing Screen

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Invoicing Screen

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Tab

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Tab

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Screen 1

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Statement Screen 1

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Screen 2

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Statement Screen 2

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Screen 3

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Statement Screen 3

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Subsidiary Configuration

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Subsidiary Configuration

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Summary Configuration

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Summary Configuration

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Email Example

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Email Example

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Log Record 1

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Log Record

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Log Record 2

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Log Record

AVT Bulk Invoicing App - Log Record Navigation

AVT Bulk Invoicing App – Log Record Navigation

If you have any questions about sending emails from NetSuite or would like help in your organisation with NetSuite, please contact us at

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